18 July 2023

Speech Day 2023 & Farewell to Mr Rees

Speech Day 2023 & Farwell to Mr Rees

Earlier this month, we celebrated the end of another successful year at Northbourne Park School.

As well as the usual goodbyes to pupils and farewells to departing members of staff, this year’s final day of term was particularly poignant as we said au revoir and bonne chance to the Headmaster, Mr Sebastian Rees, after eight years of leading the school.

Since Sebastian’s appointment, the Northbourne Park community has thrived. Pupil achievement and scholarships to senior schools are at record levels, and Northbourne Park continues to punch above its weight on the sports pitch! Both the school’s ISI inspection reports reflect and praise the hard work and achievements of staff and pupils under Sebastian’s leadership. He will be missed, and we wish him and his family all the best for the future.

In his words: “I have had the best job imaginable. You just need to look around you!

It has been my privilege to serve this community and an absolute honour to be the Headmaster of Northbourne Park School. We are all connected in some way to this incredible school. It stands apart from many others. It is a hive of activity; it is a place to grow; it is a place to call home; it is a community called Northbourne Park School!”